
Forecast Slider

How To Make Your Own Forecast

This is a method by which you can make your own forecast using two sliders: The Popularity slider and the Opposition Unity slider.

The forecast can be made only for the main party/alliance at the centre (NDA) or in a state (for example, YSRC in Andhra Pradesh and UPA in Punjab). To simplify the process for you, when you select a state for forecast, you will find that the main party has been preselected.
Two factors affect the number of seats the main party wins:
  • The popularity of the main party (% votes the main party wins)
  • How united the opposition is to that main party. Opposition Unity is measured by the Index of Opposition Unity (IOU) which ranges from 100 (fully united opposition - a straight two party fight) to 0 (totally disunited opposition).
The main party wins more seats if its popularity increases and/or the opposition to it is less united.
How To Make Your Own Forecast
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